I always knew that 2021 will be a very exciting year. Especially for trainers and coaches with the prospect to be able to give trainings in presence again soon. Nevertheless, I would not have thought to be offered such a good opportunity so quickly. I have the honor to be one of the trainers of the Leadership Summer School 2021!
Together with 15 other trainers from all over the world, we will prepare a 13-days event on Leadership. It will happen in NISI Raches (Greece) for over 60 young leaders worldwide. I’m looking forward to collaborating with so many amazing trainers on this huge event! Many important topics and issues will be addressed during this event: How does leadership change in a world that is changing so rapidly? How can we deal with uncertainty in leadership? How do we build resilience and implement mental health in leadership?
The LSS preparations of the last few weeks changed my view of leadership and gave me insight into perspectives from a wide variety of backgrounds. Many factors such as culture, background, and experience create a diversity that I value in my work context.
Interested in more? Check out the LSS Website
Leadership Summer School 2021 – Trainer’s Team